The Canadian Cannabis Licensing Application Guide

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Ameer is an enthusiastic writer who believes in the remarkable potential of the cannabis plant to lead people towards natural health alternatives, steering them towards a path of improved well-being and health.

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You’ll Get a Complete Breakdown of the Cannabis Licensing Application Process in Canada & Important Factors You Should Consider Before Applying

Applying for a cannabis license can be a daunting task, with countless regulations and requirements to fulfill. That’s why we’ve compiled this guide to help simplify the process and ensure that you’re equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to submit a successful application.

From understanding the different types of licenses available to mastering the intricacies of compliance and security measures, we’ll cover it all. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the cannabis licensing application process and be well on your way to embarking on your journey in the Cannabis Industry.

Background Information on the Cannabis Act

Just as a quick briefer, The Cannabis Act in Canada is a comprehensive framework that aims to achieve several important objectives.

Restrict Youth from Accessing Cannabis

One of the primary goals is to restrict youth from accessing cannabis, recognizing the potential risks of early cannabis use on their developing brains. By implementing strict age restrictions and regulations, the Act ensures that cannabis remains out of reach for young people.

Control Access to Cannabis for Adults of Legal Age

Additionally, the Act seeks to control access to cannabis for adults of legal age. It establishes a legal age limit for cannabis consumption, which varies across provinces and territories but generally aligns with the legal drinking age. This control over access helps to ensure that cannabis is not misused or consumed irresponsibly.

Cannabis License Application Guide - Cannabis Act Steps

Provides Oversight for the Operation of the Legal Cannabis Industry

Another crucial aspect of the Cannabis Act is its provision for oversight of the legal cannabis industry. The Act establishes a regulatory body, the Cannabis Licensing Application Guide, which is responsible for granting licenses to cannabis producers, processors, and retailers. This oversight ensures that those involved in the industry meet strict quality and safety standards, promoting a regulated and transparent cannabis market.

Strictly Regulates the Cannabis Supply Chain

The Act also places a strong emphasis on strictly regulating the supply chain of cannabis. Licensed producers are required to adhere to strict cultivation, processing, and distribution guidelines to ensure the quality and safety of cannabis products. This includes the implementation of rigorous quality control measures and product testing to safeguard the public’s health.

Establishes Strong Penalties to Protect Public Safety

The Cannabis Act establishes strong penalties to protect public safety. It imposes strict consequences for those who operate outside the legal framework, such as unlicensed cultivation, distribution, or sale of cannabis. These penalties serve as a deterrent to ensure compliance and maintain a safe and regulated cannabis industry.

All these components of the Cannabis Act contribute to a stringent and comprehensive cannabis licensing process.

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High-Level Overview of the Cannabis Licensing Application Process

Navigating the cannabis licensing application process may seem daunting at first, but there is a simple four-step process that can help potential cannabis producers easily navigate through it. Let’s take a high-level look at these steps:

1. Confirm the need for a license and determine the appropriate license model: Before proceeding with the application, it is crucial to confirm whether a license is required for your specific cannabis cultivation or production activities. This step ensures that you are aware of the specific requirements you need to meet and helps you choose the correct license type.

2. Create an account in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CLTS): The next step involves creating an account in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CLTS). This system is designed to streamline the application process and track cannabis activities from cultivation to sale. By creating an account, you gain access to the necessary tools and resources needed to complete your application. The CLTS simplifies the process by providing a centralized platform to manage all aspects of your cannabis business.

3. Develop your application: Once you have your CLTS account set up, it’s time to start developing your application. This step requires careful attention to detail, as you need to provide all the necessary information and documentation required by the licensing authorities. It’s important to ensure that your application is comprehensive and adheres to all the regulations and guidelines set forth by the licensing authorities.

4. Submit your application: The final step is to submit your application through the CLTS. This is where all your hard work and preparation come together. Pay close attention to any additional requirements or fees that may be required during the submission process. Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the licensing authorities, who will assess its completeness, suitability, and compliance with the regulations.

Different Stages of an Application

Also, as a useful guide, here are the different stages that an application will go through in the CLTS

DraftThe application has not yet been submitted. Health Canada does not receive, nor process, draft applications. The applicant must complete all sections of the application in order to submit an application for processing by Health Canada.
SubmittedHealth Canada has begun a review of the application.
In progressHealth Canada has begun review of the application.
Pending informationA request for more information has been sent to you and Health Canada is waiting for a response.

Now, let’s jump into each of these steps individually & share additional details that will lead to your successful application.

Step 1: Confirm the Need for a License and determine the Appropriate License Model

According to the Cannabis Act in Canada, individuals are allowed to grow up to four cannabis plants per household or dwelling without needing a license. This means that aspiring growers can cultivate their own cannabis for personal use without any legal repercussions as long as they stay within this limit.

However, if a grower intends to cultivate more than four cannabis plants in their household or dwelling, they will need to obtain a license. The licensing process involves several steps and requirements to ensure that the cultivation is carried out safely and within the legal framework.

Cultivation Licenses in Canada

There are different types of cultivation licenses in Canada, each with its own specifications regarding the number of plants that can be grown. These licenses include:

1. Micro Cultivation License: This license allows for the cultivation of up to 200 square meters of cannabis canopy space. It is suitable for small-scale growers who wish to cultivate cannabis for personal use or for sale to other licensed processors or retailers.

2. Standard Cultivation License: This license is required for larger-scale cultivation operations and allows for the cultivation of more than 200 square meters of cannabis canopy space. The number of plants that can be grown under this license depends on factors such as the size of the facility and the specific conditions set forth by Health Canada.

3. Nursery License: This license is specifically for the propagation and sale of cannabis plants to other licensed cultivators. It does not allow for the cultivation of mature plants for sale or consumption.

If a grower initially obtains a micro-cultivation license but later wants to expand their operation, they can apply for a higher-scale license. This allows them to gradually increase their cultivation capacity without having to go through the extensive paperwork and documentation required for the highest license from the start.

Licenses for Processing & Sale

Apart from cultivation licenses, there are also licenses for cannabis processing and sale for medical purposes. A processing license is required for individuals or companies that want to produce cannabis products such as oils, edibles, or extracts. A sale for medical purposes license is needed for those who wish to sell cannabis for medical use to authorized patients.

To apply for a combination of cultivation, processing, and/or sale for medical purposes licenses, potential licensees need to submit separate applications for each activity. The scope of their business activities will determine the specific licenses they need to obtain. The application process involves providing detailed information about the facility, security measures, quality control procedures, and other relevant documentation.

Step 2: Create an Account in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CLTS)

In order to become a licensed cannabis producer in Canada, it is crucial for potential licensees to understand the process of creating a corporate account on the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS). This system serves as a central hub for managing and tracking cannabis licensing and inventory control.

Creating Your Corporate Account on the CLTS

To begin the process, applicants can create a corporate account on the CTLS by using either a GCKey or a Sign-In Partner Account. A GCKey is a unique username and password combination that allows individuals to access multiple government services online, while a Sign-In Partner Account enables individuals to use their online banking credentials from select financial institutions.

Cannabis License Application Guide - CLTS Account

Using a GCKey

Creating a corporate account with a GCKey is a straightforward process. Potential licensees can visit the CTLS website and click on the “Create a GCKey” option. They will then be directed to a page where they can create a username and password, as well as provide personal information such as their name, date of birth, and email address.

Using a Sign-In Partner

On the other hand, if applicants prefer to use a Sign-In Partner Account, they can select their financial institution from the list of participating partners on the CTLS website and follow the instructions provided. This option allows for a more streamlined and convenient login process as it connects directly to the applicant’s existing online banking credentials.

Once the corporate account is created, applicants can proceed with the cannabis licensing application process. They will need to provide detailed information about their proposed cannabis business, including the corporate structure, financial viability, security plans, and cultivation practices. It is important to ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete, as any discrepancies or omissions may result in delays or rejection of the application.

Throughout the application process, potential licensees should refer to the Cannabis Licensing Application Guide provided by Health Canada. This comprehensive guide provides detailed instructions and requirements for each stage of the licensing process, ensuring that applicants have all the necessary information to complete their application successfully.

Step 3: Develop Your Application in the CLTS

The Cannabis Licensing Application Guide, also known as the CLTS, is a comprehensive document that provides guidance on the application process for obtaining a cannabis license. It outlines the specific requirements and information that the government or regulatory body is looking for in each section. Let’s take a closer look at the main application guide sections and the required information within them.

Proposed License Holder (License Ownership)

In this section, you will need to provide information about the individual or entity that will hold the cannabis license. This includes details such as their legal name, business name (if applicable), contact information, and any relevant licenses or permits they currently hold.

Mailing Address

The CLTS requires you to provide the official mailing address where all correspondence related to the cannabis license will be sent. This address should be accurate and up-to-date to ensure timely communication.

License Class & Subclass

Here, you will need to specify the specific class and subclass of the license you are applying for. This could include cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, laboratory testing, or retail operations, among others. It is important to accurately identify the activities you plan to undertake at your site.

Cannabis License Application Guide - License Classes

Site Details (including Activities)

This section of the application guide requires detailed information about the physical site where the cannabis activities will take place. This includes the address, legal description, and any relevant zoning or land use permits. Additionally, you must provide a detailed description of the planned activities, including cultivation methods, processing techniques, and any other relevant site-specific information.

Site Personnel

The CLTS requires you to provide information about the key personnel who will be involved in the cannabis operations. This includes the names, contact information, and roles of each individual. It may also require background checks or fingerprinting for certain personnel, depending on the jurisdiction.

Site Ownership

In this section, you will need to provide details about the ownership structure of the site. This includes the names and contact information of all owners, partners, or shareholders, as well as their ownership percentages. It is important to accurately disclose all ownership interests to ensure compliance.

Notice to Local Authorities

The CLTS often requires applicants to notify and provide documentation to local authorities, such as the city or county where the cannabis operations will be located. This may include obtaining local permits, providing proof of compliance with local regulations, or notifying the appropriate government agencies.

Physical security (including organizational security plan)

The CLTS emphasizes the importance of maintaining a secure site. This section requires you to outline the physical security measures you will have in place to prevent unauthorized access, theft, or diversion of cannabis products. This may include information on alarm systems, video surveillance, secure storage, and access control protocols. In some cases, additional visual evidence, such as floor plans or security camera footage, may need to be submitted outside of the CLTS.

Good Production Practices

This section focuses on the cultivation and manufacturing practices you will implement to ensure the production of safe and high-quality cannabis products. It may require you to outline procedures for pest control, cultivation methods, product testing, sanitation, and quality control. Similar to the physical security section, additional visual evidence, such as photographs or videos of your facility, may need to be provided outside of the CLTS.

Record Keeping

The CLTS highlights the importance of maintaining accurate and detailed records related to cannabis operations. This section requires you to outline your record-keeping procedures, including inventory tracking, product labelling, employee training records, and any other relevant documentation. It is crucial to demonstrate your ability to maintain compliant records throughout the application process.

Key Investors Report

Here, you will need to provide information about any significant investors or financial backers involved in the cannabis operations. This includes their names, contact information, and the extent of their investment. It is important to disclose this information to ensure transparency and compliance with regulations.


The CLTS may require applicants to provide personal information for background checks or regulatory purposes. This includes details such as your name, date of birth, social security number (or equivalent), and any relevant licenses or permits you currently hold.

Associated Individuals

This section requires you to disclose any individuals who are associated with your cannabis operations, such as consultants, advisors, or legal representatives. You will need to provide their names, contact information, and the nature of their association with your business.

By carefully reviewing the application guide and providing the required information in each section, you can ensure a comprehensive and compliant cannabis license application. Remember to follow any additional instructions or requirements provided by the government or regulatory body to increase your chances of success.

Pro-Tip for Aspiring Cannabis Licensees

Working with an experienced Cannabis Industry consultant is crucial when developing an application in the cannabis tracking and licensing system. The cannabis industry is highly regulated and constantly evolving, making it essential to have a knowledgeable guide who can navigate the complex landscape. An experienced consultant can provide valuable insights into the application process, ensuring that all necessary requirements are met and increasing the chances of success. They can also help in identifying potential pitfalls and mitigating risks, saving time and resources in the long run.

Also, it’s important to choose a seed-to-sale cannabis software that directly connects to the Cannabis Licensing and Tracking System (CLTS) is of utmost importance. This integration allows for seamless data transfer and compliance with regulations, reducing the chances of errors or discrepancies. It enables real-time visibility and transparency, ensuring that every step of the cultivation, manufacturing, and distribution process is accurately recorded and reported. By choosing software that directly connects to the CLTS, cannabis businesses can streamline operations, maintain compliance, and ultimately thrive in the highly regulated industry.

Did you know? GrowerIQ has an industry-leading Seed-to-Sale Cannabis Software (with quality management built in) that is designed to uncomplicate cannabis production for cannabis producers throughout the world.

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Step 4: Submit Your Application

It is crucial to go through a checklist to ensure that all required pieces have been completed and included in your cannabis tracking and licensing system (CLTS) submission. This meticulous attention to detail is necessary because Health Canada, the regulatory authority responsible for issuing licenses, follows a series of steps to review each application and make a decision. By adhering to the checklist and including all necessary components, you increase the chances of a successful application.

Initial Screening Process

The first step in Health Canada’s review process is the initial screening, where they assess whether the application is complete and meets the basic requirements. This includes ensuring that the necessary forms, documents, and fees are submitted. Going through a checklist before submitting your application helps to avoid any missing or incomplete information that could lead to rejection during this initial screening.

Detailed Review Stage

Once the application passes the initial screening, it moves on to the detailed review stage. During this phase, Health Canada examines the application in greater depth, assessing factors such as security measures, quality control procedures, and record-keeping systems. They also consider the site’s proposed maximum quantity of cannabis and whether there are multiple projects within the application. This risk-based approach allows Health Canada to prioritize applications based on factors that might pose a higher risk to public safety or regulatory compliance.

By following a comprehensive checklist, you can ensure that all necessary information is included in your application, addressing any potential risk factors or compliance concerns. This increases the chances of your application being prioritized during the detailed review stage.

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Response Timelines for CLTS Applications

Health Canada is committed to providing efficient and timely service in the cannabis tracking and licensing system application process. They have set service standards to ensure that applications are processed within reasonable timeframes.

Service Standards from Health Canada

For single project applications, Health Canada commits to a non-binding 42 business-day service standard. This means that applicants can expect a decision on their application within that time frame. However, it’s important to note that this is a non-binding commitment and actual processing times may vary depending on the complexity of the application.

More Complex Applications

For multiple project or institution-wide applications, the service standard is extended to up to 180 business days. This longer timeframe is necessary due to the additional complexity involved in reviewing and assessing these types of applications.

These service standards are in line with the previously existing standards under the Narcotic Control Regulations for s. 56 exemptions or for research with cannabis. Health Canada aims to maintain consistency and ensure that applicants are served in a fair and timely manner.

Potential for a Request for More Information (RMI)

It’s important for applicants to understand that they are responsible for meeting all the licensing requirements. Health Canada may request additional information pertaining to an application under subsection 62(5) of the Cannabis Act. If the information provided is unclear or requires further detail, Health Canada will ask the applicant for clarification through a request for more information (RMI).

To avoid such a request, it is crucial to ensure that the application includes all the necessary details as outlined in the Cannabis Licensing Application Guide. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the requirements and should be followed closely to ensure a smooth and efficient application process.

Important Factors You Need to Consider Before Applying

One of the key responsibilities of Health Canada is to issue licenses for cannabis cultivation, processing, and sale. However, there are specific scenarios outlined in the Cannabis Act and its regulations where Health Canada may refuse to issue a cannabis license. Let’s take a closer look at these scenarios:

No.Grounds for RefusalExplanation
1.Risk to Public Health or SafetyIssuing the license is likely to create a risk to public health or public safety: Health Canada has a duty to protect the public from potential harm associated with cannabis. If there is a significant risk that granting a license would lead to cannabis being diverted to the illicit market or used for illegal activities, Health Canada may refuse the application.
2.False or Misleading InformationFalse or misleading information or falsified documents were submitted: The integrity of the cannabis licensing process is crucial. If there are reasonable grounds to believe that false or misleading information or falsified documents were submitted in, or in support of, the license application, Health Canada may refuse to issue the license.
3.Contravention of Laws and RegulationsContravention of relevant laws and regulations: Within the last 10 years, if the applicant has contravened any provisions of the Cannabis Act, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, or the Food and Drugs Act, or any regulations under these acts, Health Canada may refuse to grant the license.
4.Contravention of License ConditionsContravention of license or permit conditions: If there are reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant has contravened an order or condition of a license or permit under the aforementioned acts within the last 10 years, Health Canada may refuse the license.
5.Applicant CharacteristicsApplicant characteristics: Health Canada may refuse to issue a license if the applicant is a young person as defined in the Cannabis Act, an individual who does not ordinarily reside in Canada, or an organization that was incorporated, formed, or organized outside Canada. This is to ensure that licenses are granted to individuals or organizations with a genuine connection to the Canadian cannabis industry.
6.Public InterestPublic interest: The Minister has the authority to refuse a license if they believe it is in the public interest to do so. This provides a discretionary power to consider any factors that may impact public health, safety, or the integrity of the cannabis industry.
7.Prescribed Grounds for RefusalPrescribed grounds for refusal: Finally, Health Canada may refuse a license if there are any other grounds for refusal that have been prescribed by regulations. These grounds may vary based on specific circumstances and considerations.

It is important to note that these scenarios are not exhaustive, and Health Canada has the discretion to assess each license application on a case-by-case basis. Their primary focus is to ensure that the regulated cannabis industry operates in a manner that safeguards public health and safety.

How GrowerIQ Helps With the CLTS

In the rapidly evolving cannabis industry, accuracy and compliance are of utmost importance for cannabis licensees. Using seed-to-sale software like GrowerIQ is crucial in ensuring precise record-keeping and streamlining reporting processes. By automating the Cannabis Licensing Tracking System (CLTS) reporting and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) reporting, GrowerIQ eliminates the chances of human error and minimizes the time and effort required for manual reporting.

Our software provides real-time data on every step of the cultivation and distribution process, ensuring accurate tracking of inventory, plants, and products. With GrowerIQ, cannabis licensees can confidently meet regulatory requirements, maintain transparency, and focus on growing their business. So, whether it’s tracking plant lineage, monitoring growth stages, or managing inventory, GrowerIQ’s seed-to-sale software is a game-changer for cannabis licensees.

Discover how GrowerIQ’s seed-to-sale software can help you set up all of the components of a successful cannabis production operation without any hassle. Questions we haven’t covered? Please reach out and let us know. GrowerIQ serves clients coast to coast, and we’re ready to help your team today.