Download CA Final All Subjects Certified Copies (AIR 15) July’21 PDF

Finally, You have made up your mind to enter in the world of Chartered Accountants and looking for the toppers certified copies to achieve your goal. Well, you are on the right page.😎😎

We are Sharing With You certified copies of CA Final Paper-8 : INDIRECT TAX Highest Marks achiever. 😍


How will you know where you are going wrong ?

Its very simple, if you keep practicing wrong things, you will be an expert in doing it wrong. Similarly, if you practice doing it right, you will end up being an expert in it.

Your answer sheet gives you an insight into what you have written and how you have reproduced or what you ought to have written to secure better marks.

It is not always that you have written a wrong answer for scoring low or getting less marks.

There is a difference in writing a right answer and writing a perfect answer. For you a right answer would mean reproducing all the contents. But, for it to be perfect, your introduction, body and conclusion alongwith your advise should be in proper flow. Also check whether you have written correct sections and case laws. In short, your presentation does matter.