Your search for returned results.

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words (such as install and installs). The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

Welcome > PDF Editing > Secure PDF > Signatures overview > Use handwritten signatures

Use handwritten signatures

You can place a handwritten signature to your document - it is treated as a stamp but it does not appear in the Stamps panel. It is listed in the Comments panel where it can be reviewed, commented and more.

Tip Sign Sign (Sign icon) or Certify (Certify icon) tool to place digital signatures that do provide security.

Tip Select Security > Sign and Certify > Handwritten Signature > Manage to call the Manage Handwritten Signatures dialog box. It lists all handwritten signatures you have created. Buttons below the list let you add a new signature, delete or rename an existing one, and select which signature should be the default: indicated with a signature icon to the left of the name.

Create a handwritten signature

  1. Select Place or Manage and then Add to call the Add Handwritten Signature dialog box so you can create a signature.
  2. Select a creation method for the signature from the list box. The following part of the dialog box changes, depending on your choice:
  3. When the signature is defined, name it and click OK .

The signature recently created will not be placed automatically in your current document, you need to place it manually.

Place an existing handwritten signature

Handwritten Signature icon

  1. Click the down arrow right to the Handwritten Signature tool () at Security > Sign and Certify .
  2. Select Place from the drop-down list to place such a signature in your current document.

Note Click Manage to manage your collection of handwritten signatures and add new ones. The mouse pointer turns to a crosshair. The Identity Setup dialog box appears. Your handwritten signature shows up filling the area.

Note Click the signature area to reveal its borders and handlers. You may drag the signature to another position.