Traffic Management is the term used to describe the management of an existing road network and its users to mamaximizeafety, performance, and dependability. The Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is a comprehensive set document analyzing all associated elements and risks that may affect the works and is not to be confused with the Temporary Traffic Management Layout Drawing (TTMLD) which is just one requirement of the TMP.

The TTMLD is a drawing or set of drawings, that shows the traffic management scheme to be deployed and the control measures that are to be put in place. It should include cross-sections and all phases of the operation.

The objective of the TMP is to, by using up-to-date safety design principles and compliance with relevant legislation, optimize road area allocation ensuring, as far as possible, the efficient flow of traffic and pedestrians whilst protecting vulnerable road users.

Managing the road during construction works is an intricate job involving numerous issues consisting of:

When undertaking work where there is any impact on the normal running of footpaths and roads or interference in what is normally expected or present for pedestrians or motorists, a contractor must first contact the relevant Local Authority. Depending on the scale of the work the Local Authority will request either a TTMLD, or a full site-specific Traffic Management Plan.

Impact or interference means.